Born from the Stars

Cunard Insights Programme Lecture

University of Notre Dame Our Universe Revealed Online Lecture Series, April 7 2020

The Universe is big – bigger than we can often comprehend - but it has fascinating details on every scale. From the extremely large, galaxies, stars and planets, to the incredibly small, with intricate structure inside every atom. But where did it all come from? Find out how astronomy can start to answer some of the biggest questions. How did the Universe around us come to be, what is it made of and what will become of it all in the future? 

Further Reading

  • Big Bang – S. Singh, 2005, Harper Perennial

  • The Cosmic Century – M. Longair, 2006, Cambridge University Press

  • (For the dedicated reader) The Road to Reaility — a complete guide to the laws of the Universe – R. Penrose, 2004, Jonathan Cape


Supermassive Black Holes: Monsters lurking in the hearts of galaxies


Flares and Fireworks from Black Holes