As part of my research, I have written a range of software and computer codes, from the numerical simulation of light propagation around black holes to novel X-ray data analysis and modelling routines. Some elements of the code I have written are available on GitHub and may be used freely (though please cite the original publications when doing so).
I have also written some notes on research topics which you may find helpful.
CUDAKerr is a general relativistic ray tracing simulation package for simulating the propagation of light around black holes using GPUs. These tools are designed to simulate the illumination of accretion discs around black holes by the corona as well as the observation of the disc reflection and corona by a distant observer. CUDAKerr can generate ray traced images and movies of the inner regions of the accretion flow in addition to X-ray spectral and timing data products. The ray tracing calculations are carried out on GPUs for rapid parallel computation, using the NVIDIA CUDA framework and the code is written in C++.
pyLag is an object-oriented and (hopefully) easy to use X-ray timing analysis package implemented in Python. pyLag works with light curves from the major X-ray missions to calculate lag spectra for reverberation analysis as well as power and covariance spectra and a number of other X-ray spectral timing methods outlined in Uttley et al. 2014.
pyXMM is an object oriented Python frontend to the XMM-Newton Science Analysis System (SAS), designed to simplify and automate many common spectrum and light curve extraction tasks. It is particularly suited to the analysis of data from point sources including black holes.
kdblur3 (XSPEC Model)
Relativistically broadened emission line model and blurring kernel for an accretion disc with a twice-broken power law emissivity profile, for X-ray spectral fitting in XSPEC.
Paper: Wilkins & Fabian 2011
comptonise (XSPEC Model)
Convolution model based on nthcomp to take the photons from an input spectrum (e.g reflection from the disc) and pass them through a Comptonising corona, solving the Kompaneets equation using the input spectrum as the seed photons. For X-ray spectral analysis in XSPEC.
Paper: Wilkins & Gallo 2015